Business excellence and capability building
Management systems and processes of an organization to improve performance and create value for stakeholders. Business excellence models are frameworks that when applied within an organisation can help to focus thought and action in a more systematic and structured way that should lead to increased performance. The models are holistic in that they focus upon all areas and dimensions of an organisation, and in particular, factors that drive performance.
Operating model
make a visualization of how a company plans to execute its strategy. We helps leaders convert these strategy choices into operational choices: what work processes are needed, who will do the work, in which locations, etc.
Organizational development
improving the performance of all aspects that support the organization structure including; organization design, governance, roles and responsibilities, and employees performance. We focus on improving an organization’s capability through the alignment of strategy, structure, people, rewards, metrics, and management processes. It is a science-backed, interdisciplinary field rooted in psychology, culture, innovation, social sciences, adult education, human resource management, change management, organization behavior, and research analysis and design, among others
Process re-engineering
Business Process Reengineering (BPR) is a business management strategy to recreate a core business process to improve output, quality and to reduce costs. Reduce or get-red off inefficiencies, complexity or inefficient legacy ways of working. Continuous improvement techniques aimed at systematically removing waste from process such as lean, six sigma of lean six sigma